Sunday, March 24, 2013


I will be heading to my new job at a place that formed the best parts of me, the Storm King School:

The 2011 gathering of SKS alumni in Thailand
I will be working with alumni there, and traveling to see them.
The 2010 gathering of SKS alumni in Bangkok

And will stay in this rainbow house, that my grandfather (known by all as Pere) built while he worked at The St. Regis Hotel in New York City....  It is an hour north of the City and belongs to my Aunt now.
It is where I spent the first 12 years of my life living next door and I ran across the field to come visit...
...where I had my first job at 5 years old - digging for worms in the garden and being paid a penny a worm and earning a dollar....
...Grandma made my Halloween costumes and dresses, cut dandelion greens from the lawn for our salads, and made us fried zucchini blossoms, polenta, and homemade ravioli...
...where Pere cooked us the brook trout he had caught in the Catskills, pan fried and topped with fresh parsley and drizzled with brown butter,
...where he reclined in his hammock under a tree, listening to the Met's game on his transistor radio,
and where he taught me to change a tire and actually made me practice (numerous times).
Come visit.
from the deck at Pere's
Around the corner from Pere's, the longest and highest trestle this side of the Mississippi

Pointing to Pere's from Storm King Mountain
The Hudson