Sunday, July 15, 2012


School courtyard, outdoor assembly place and football field.  After school.
Morning exercise after flag ceremony at the daily assembly

Pirates seemed like a logical fit with the third grade students' work on map reading skills.......
so, we had pirate day.

 "Aaaarghhh!  Walk the plank, mateys!"
Painting the carriage for the 5 & 6th graders' production of "The Princess and the Pea".
The witches house - in process.

My students after school, with the lunch area in the background.

The writing process (fairy tales).
Dennis is writing about Andy out-smarting the Medusa,
 and Andy is writing about Dennis slaying a dragon.

.  Third graders made and wrote postcards to the person of their choice, addressed them, and we took a walking field trip to the post office where they each bought and applied a stamp.  Many postcards went to family and friends in Thailand and abroad (The UK, Australia, the US, Germany) and some went to football (soccer) star Christiano Renaldo from Portugal who plays for Spain.  I wonder if he'll write back? (Not yet....)
"May I have one stamp, please?  It's going to the UK"

A team chant on the topic of healthy food.  The creating and performing of these chants or songs has become a big competition for the 4th graders.

And tutoring at my student's (extremely large) home.  On that day it is by a camp-light because the electric went out.  He is making a "cave painting" , going along with our reading about Stone Age people's art and the prehistoric cave paintings in LaCaux, France.