Saturday, August 22, 2009

What to do with ten boys when school is closed

On Friday, the school was closed for a long weekend and most residential kids were sent off with family or grandparents.

We were in the office, trying to get some work done, but about ten residential boys who were not able to go home were hanging around wanting to come in to the office and visit with us.

We gave them a bingo game and a bin of rubber animals, which kept them busy for awhile.

Later that morning we had a tsunami drill, and when the siren went off we were joined by community members and all ran up to the 4th floor of the school. The Red Cross volunteers were there with smelling salts and medical supplies and grabbed Lena and me to put bandages on us.

After lunch, Lena and I opened Coconut Club for the boys. What do you do with ten preteen/teen boys?

Make cookies! They were really into it.